Überwältigende Leistung
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International School RheinMain

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International School RheinMain

Recommended route to school
The safety of pupils and adults arriving and leaving the ESRM site is of utmost importance to all of us. For this reason, in collaboration with the Strassenverkehrsbehörde Bad Vilbel, we have investigated the routes to school from the local bus stops, train station and residential area in order to identify the safest options. We would now like to present these recommended routes to you and encourage you to make these routes known to your children. Thanking you for your support and cooperation in this matter.

Sicherer Schulweg

Grafiken © 2012 TerraMetrics, Kartendaten ©2012 GeoBasis-DE/BKG (©2009), Google, Tele Atlas

Parking at the ESRM

Arriving and leaving ESRM
The safety of pupils and adults arriving and leaving the ESRM site is of utmost importance to all of us. For this reason, specific guidelines are defined here, which are to be adhered to by staff, pupils and parents alike.


For pupils arriving or leaving ESRM by foot, recommended routes are defined, see the Website. At the roundabout at the intersection of Theodor-Heuss-Str. and Friedberger Str., at the beginning of the school day there is supervision provided by the school to ensure safe crossing opportunities.

Pupils entering the site at this intersection are supervised safely to the building entrance. We emphasize that the school cannot guarantee a secure journey for pedestrians who use alternative routes; for example not making use of the bridge provided across Theodor-Heuss Strasse.


Drop and Go
Cars delivering pupils to the school can be a source of severe congestion, which can become a safety hazard. To minimize this risk when delivering pupils by car, a “drop and go” (kiss and fly) zone has been provided. Parent’s vehicles entering the site are directed to the “drop and go” parking spaces. We ask you kindly to follow these directions and thereby minimize congestion. Pupils should be sure to use the walk-way to enter the school buildings and parents are kindly asked to leave the premises as quickly as possible.
Similarly, parents collecting pupils after school may collect them from the “drop and go” area. Pupils should use the walk-way to get to waiting vehicles and parents are asked to vacate the area as soon as possible.
The “drop and go” area should not be used as parking space.


Parents parking
Parking spaces for parents with an appointment are provided on the north side of the building (enter the site from Friedberger Str.) It is not allowed to use the road parallel to the Friedberger Strasse in order to reach the “drop and go” area or to park along that road as this space is foreseen for the teachers.


Staff parking
Parking spaces for staff are provided on the east side of the building (entering the site from Friedberger Str.). Teachers can enter the school building on the East side (main stairway close to the staffroom).


For the sake of the safety of your children we strongly recommend to all users of our premises:

  • to instruct the children to walk to the school from the “drop and go” area on the pavement along the fence and to avoid staying in the traffic area
  • to use the whole parking and not to contribute to congestion by dangerously letting out children on the driving alley
  • to manoeuvre extremely carefully when leaving the parking spot backwards: there can always be a child behind your car!
  • to behave like responsible citizens by avoiding every form of dangerous or disrespectful behavior at our premises.

In short we also summarize by stating what is not allowed to parents on our parking premises:

  • no driving or parking at all on our premises parallel the Friedberger Strasse
  • no parking or waiting in the car outside the official “drop and go” area. Exception: parking for handicapped and the school bus; no other cars are allowed to park or to wait in front of the school entrance
  • driving against the indicated direction.


Parking Map V2 EN

Safe School Route

Safe School Route & Parking Rules

School Libraries

School Library

Parents for Parents

Safe School Route & Parking Rules

ESRM is recruiting

ESRM is recruiting